What To Bring to Training?

What do you need to do to have an enjoyable training experience with your dog at our branch?

  • All dogs that attend GSDCV training grounds are required to be vaccinated and you should bring proof of your puppy or dog’s current vaccination record.
  • Soft Collar and lead. Make sure the lead is not too long – a metre or metre and a half is fine.
  • Treats, make sure they are soft treats that smell good to your puppy e.g. small pieces of cooked sausage, cheese, chicken etc. Avoid dry hard biscuits as they are not so appealing or easy to nibble quickly.
  • A favourite toy for your puppy to play with, that you can hold or tuck into your pocket.
  • We recommend you invest in a “Bum-Bag” to make it easier to carry your reward treats, toy, Poo-bags, car keys, etc.
  • If you have bought your Puppy through a GSDCV Breeder, Bring your free class coupons.
  • Wear sensible shoes, i.e. runners, not loose sandals or thongs and definitely not bare feet
  • If it’s raining we still train so please come dressed appropriately. Remember, your German Shepherd is waterproof.
  • We aim to leave the ground as we find it each Sunday, so if your dog does a poo, please bag it and put it in the bin.

………….and please do not leave your sense of humour at home.  You will need it.


  • If the predicted temperature is 36 degrees or over WE DO NOT TRAIN as per the Dogs Victoria Heat Policy